Welcome to our website
Our goal is to bring children and young people to interesting, inspiring and endlessly challenging Bridge.
Play bridge with the whole family. Because we offer
teaching and games FOR EVERYONE, our teaching methods and environments have also been developed to be different:
children under 12 years
young people 12-16 years
teenagers and adults
Everyone is welcome to a great, inspiring and even addictive hobby. Please read more on these website.
For a child or young person

Bridge is fun
Learning and playing bridge is fun, but it can be demanding on the player.
You can play casual home or club bridge, but playing competitively challenges you to learn more and more.
Bridge is a hobby for your whole life.
Bridge helps with studies and life
The points mentioned below are signed by bridge players as well as school teachers who work with the game.
Bridge develops:
Mathematical ability:
Basic arithmetic skills - addition and subtraction
Probability calculation and certainty
Thinking and Reasoning:
Task solution
Logical reasoning ability
Selective memory
Reasoning ability
Changing strategy based on new evidence
Language and communication:
Explanation and justification of an action
Participating in group discussions
Asks relevant questions
Develops constructive and helpful criticism
Takes part, listens, gives others the opportunity to participate
Develops a relationship through shared learning
Learning to win and lose competitions
Behaves like a responsible citizen - increases competitive ethics and helps others learn
Resolving conflicts
Bridge works for the school like:
Class learning improves for example in mathematics lessons
Activity increases
Self-study is increasing
Bridge is social - even online
Bridge is a very social hobby, even though it mostly focuses on playing. Especially online gaming gives friends all over the world.
RealBridge's competition platform creates as social a gaming environment as possible online. The image shows the players' video feed and they can chat as normal.

RealBridge game view.
Let's create a better future for young people.